
Assessing volume, biomass and carbon stocks of trees and forests.


GlobAllomeTree is an international web platform to share data for assessing volume, biomass and carbon stock of trees and forests.


About GlobAllomeTree

GlobAllomeTree was the first international web platform to share and provide access to tree allometric equations, created in 2013. Since then wood densities, biomass expansion factors, and raw data have been added to the platform.

The FAO, CIRAD, and University of Tuscia, and many other organizations all over the world have contributed both their data and expertise.

Data is provided free of charge after agreeing to the licensing requirements. Organisations and researchers may also share their own data on the platform and create custom licenses.

A free account is required to browse the data available on this site.

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Share your data

As an organisation or researcher, GlobAllomeTree is an excellent tool for you to distribute your data and let others find it and use it in a simple way.

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Allometric Equations

Find and download allometric equations.

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Wood Densities

Find and download wood densities from many species and locations all around the world.

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Raw Biomass and Volume Data

Discover raw data taken from many species of trees all over the world.

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Biomass Expansion Factors

Find and download biomass expansion factors.

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